September 26th, 2020
Meeting Notes IIDA Tennessee Chapter Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Trent Sullivan, Morgan Kaelin, Claudia Lofton, Tyler Claggett, Kristen Vaugh, Morgan Black, Caycee Rose, Lew Moore, Erica Banks, Whitney Kaul, Chaz Parrish, Patrick Kelley, Chad Breece, Leigh Barker, Kristen Wormsley, Rodney McCasland, Andee Rice, Chris Conrad, Katie Vance, Whitney Kaul, Missy Sims Absent - Brandon Kirkland
Old Business: Approval of July Meeting Notes: - Meeting minutes from July need to be approved - Correct date in header (Currently reads at June 2020) - Trent Sullivan motion to approved meeting minute notes from July - Second from Tyler Claggett - All in favor - unanimous Introduction:
Thank you Board, for your commitment. Thank you Wendi for what she has been working on. Gift card was sent.
Opening Remarks: - Trent Sullivan is the chapter leader, everyone knows their roll and can act accordingly - All Voluntary roles - Website getting up and going, current edits addressed
Goals for the day:
Board New Member -
Roles - clarify board members roles and responsibilities
Calendar - get our annual calendar in place - we need to be active as a chapter The Board: (Pod Cast Review and takeaways) - This is a job!! - we all have a job to do -
Stretch gift - contributed time and finances, people are more committed to things that they spend money on. If you personally can contribute $25 or $250, please do so. -
Expect your food to get cold - during events, you are the host, be the host -
Keep your organizational lens on - we all wear different hats, when you are out in public, make sure you keep IIDA on your mind and make sure you bring it to the forefront 1 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes
General Chapter Business (and house keeping): -
Monthly board meetings will be held on 1st Monday of each month at 4:00 CST -
Attendance will be taken every meeting (2 excused absences annually) - penalty to missing more than 2 will be voted off the board - By-Laws: Link on the website, every board member should have a copy or access to the By- Laws.
Action Note: Everyone should go through and read the By-Laws so we are familiar with it - Website is current and up and running Back from Break, meeting called at 8:48 AM:
New Business: New Member - Morgan Kaelin nominated Chris Conrad to be VP of Communications - Second Lew Moore and Tyler Claggett - All vote Unanimous
Term Limits: Everyone needs to confirm that they have the correct amount on years in service next to their name, you only can serve the board for a limited amount of time,
ACTION NOTES: Trent Sullivan will need to find someone to be president elect by June 2021 If the information is inaccurate please contact Trent Sullivan * All terms start July 1st, and run through the following June 30th. All New Board for the most part, we are going to re-think some things! Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics:
ACTION NOTE: Everyone needs to sign it and turn it into Trent TODAY 9/26/20 - Has everyone turned in their signed copy of Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics to either Wendi Donahue or Trent Sullivan? - Conflict of Interest Review: Make sure you are not pushing your company before or into the IIDA board or members. Not receiving gifts upon the organization. 2 September 26th, 2020
Meeting Notes - Code of Ethics Review: Serving you board, and keeping information within the board. Do not share information with people that are not on the board. (Do not air your dirty laundry with others).
Member Reports:
Brandon Kirkland - VP of Finance (Trent Sullivan is Reviewing in place of Brandon Kirkland) - Regions Checking: $238,628.49 - Regions Money Market: $90,372.88 - Total: $329,001.37 - Nationals takes $200 / month to review and send the board spending reports - We do not have payroll, so all money can be managed - Spending money will be coming out of 1 year of expenses in cash funds - We are spending on the cheap and being frugal about what are spending and how - Currently received $77,500 in sponsorship -
ACTION NOTE: Missing $6,000 Tarkett Sponsorship and $500 gift from JTJ Commercial - we need to figure out how we can get that squared away - Why so many red lights? Answer: COVID-19 - Net Profit -$17,704.61 (running at a negative) mainly for early in the year events where going strong - Balance Sheet As Of August 31st, 2020: $67,249.99 is our deferred Income from sponsorship - Accrual Basis: money what you are going to get rather than “actual” cash in hand. - “Credit Card based on a hand shake” - How to get your reimbursement: Circulus: vendor forms, take receipts, submit to the system, and wait for reimbursement - Second option: Find out costs in advance and write a check (stay organized) - Third Option: IIDA Credit Card however there is only a $3,500 limit on CC - Another option potentially, regions debit card? - “Your failure to plan doesn’t make it my emergency” Please stay organized with expenses Trent Sullivan Calls for 10-15 min break at 9:37 AM Back from Break 10:01 AM House Keeping: - Longevity of the Nashville chapter, creating a family tree of who was the past presidents etc. to show - Gmail accounts and logins -
ACTION NOTE: Chad, Rodney, Andee, Whitney, needs account info and passwords 3 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes - Co-Sponsorships and how they can manage the accounts together, i.e. VP of Sponsorship 1, VP of Sponsorship 2, etc. other thoughts on this: will one account get all the emails vs the other person not getting any. Cataloging emails, and how much do we have to keep? Communicate amongst yourself to get yourself organized, we might create a few extra accounts to keep them separate - Keep emails 2 years back - Where do you put all the emails from 2 years + back? Add it into Dropbox -
ACTION NOTE: Andee Rice (Admin) To Update and organize the DropBox - member reports, meeting minutes. Need dropbox login info. - Set up account settings to be to president IIDA email to get verification emails to be able to sign in to various accounts. Having a central account would be helpful. When you are setting things up, do not set it up with your personal email. Set it up with IIDA via gmail, set up gmail with a paid account to give more, DROPBOX passwords etc. - VP position missing - professional development - nominate someone out of Chattanooga to get involved The HATS we wear: Group work with the following focus Each member is going to focus on the following questions and present it this afternoon. - How it benefits Members? - How it benefits Sponsors? - How it benefits the Chapter? - Do you need help? Get some events and opportunities on the calendar!!! What is the temperature of the current designers? And how can we connect our city centers? And how can we launch in Chattanooga? Catalyst grant has been pushed back to 2021 calendar year. Zoom calls and Facebook live…etc before or after business hours? Contact list -
ACTION NOTE: Personal Phone numbers and emails send to Andee Rice to collect and distribute Lunch Break 11:50 - 1:07 Call for Time 4 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes KnoxCon Update - On Schedule Oct 22nd - Press Room - asking about how we can make it safe - Sticking with the state guidelines - More space between booths - 4-8 event with no after hours event (this year) - 48 booths sold - Tarkett (did they pay?) They would have a free booth - $24,000 total made and $6,000 in expenses - Ask from Knoxcon: promote from the IIDA and have support from the board - Sponsorship list sent to Kristen Wormsley and Missy Sims- list is updated confirmed by Morgan Kaelin - Include all the information on the news letter - finalizing the info. - Mask competition and step and repeat wall for photo opportunity - There is no photographer for the step and repeat, Kristen Wormsley booth will be near by so she can assist in taking picture
East Tennessee-City Center -
Missy Sims and Kristin Wormsley - Focus on IIDA for the state - East Tennessee - May - Cinco De CEU - can we have the rest of the state bounce off of that? - East Tennessee - October- food drive - East Tennessee - coffee house talks quarterly or monthly etc. - East Tennessee - March - mock interviews, head shots, Portfolio Review, Q&A - East Tennessee - August - Knoxcon (pushed to October this year) Notes above - East Tennessee - September zero landfill event - State wide event - Threads and Gala - February - spare the love - April - state wide speaker - June - off - July - 10 CEU in a year so - Thoughts for future other events: - November - virtual project - December - Christmas event - Large inspirational speaker for the whole state? - Spin classes - Axe throwing - Top Golf Event - or no golf event - Notes from the board: things involving students should have Student Affairs involved, things involving CEU should have Professional Development involved - How can we connect the whole state with some of these events…? - Sponsorships - can get their first pick at doing the CEU - platinum and other levels of sponsorship - Major sponsors - platinum sponsors, who has a good speaker? - The city centers need to get together to brain storm dates and speakers 5 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes
ACTION NOTE: Get things on the calendar - internal calendar that the board can see GOAL OF THE CHAPTER: To make this committee less ‘Nashville’ centric more IIDA Tennessee focused. -
Professional Development Role in Chattanooga - Hannah Lyons, thoughts from the board on this - Discuss membership and CEU opportunities in Chattanooga, get Chattanooga member involved
Chapter Advisor: Katie Vance - - Goals for 2020 - Support, chapter advisor this year will be to support interior designers - Survey monkey, to get out to designers - what kind of CEU’s? Meetings? Post Covid? Job search engines? How can we support one another? All great thoughts here on out reach into the community - Potentially having a job posting board on our website - Keeping designers skills sharp, CEU’s, intellectual, discussions and competitions - Where can we post job openings and resumes? Internal website? So we can all see it? -
ACTION NOTE: Industry relations - can reach out to people and create a list of who is hiring, then compile and get info out. Patrick Kelley and Chaz Parrish can take charge on this. - Merchandise for Tennessee. Students and or professionals to do a design competition to create a logo to make into merchandise - Bonfire to create merchandise
Special Events - Caycee Rose and Lew Moore - 2021 IIDA Fashion Show - September/October date - Circus Theme - Anticipation marketing: start marketing to vendors and designers. 6 months in advance. Or more. March/April of 2021 - Location will be at the Nashville Zoo - Renting tents to put under the zip line park - Roaming circus characters - fire throwers, jugglers, etc. - Rep sponsors can pay for one of the entertainers, no sponsor will actually be throwing the fire. - carnival games (1.5hr prior to the event starting) - Decorations - building smile bar, step and repeat, photo opportunities etc. - Carnival food - cotton candy, hot dogs, food trucks etc - Face painting, thoughts from the board on this were positive - Bar wall where reps can be involved and serve drinks 6 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes - Games and carousel and zip line opportunity for sponsor - Contest portion - up to 5 different models that can go down the run way at the same time - Various different themes: clown, bearded lady, ring master, lion tamer, illustrated man, etc. - After party at a showroom: Daltile, Venue Space etc. REVISIT THIS. - Event from 6-9 pm - VIP tickets 1 and 2 - Gen admissions $75 - Total sales $30,130 - Vendor Sponsored Items: - Carnival food stands - Carousel - Bars - Carnival games - Face painting station - Roaming circus characters - Estimated total $16,300 - Roles divided: event with Caycee & Lew doing the competition - Philanthropy portion to the zoo - Animals will sleeping
ACTION NOTE: Create a FALL 2021 teaser post Break called at 2:26 PM to 2:43 PM
Student Affairs: Jerica Banks - Create and communicate with students at all campus centers - Survey monkey - get numbers to get people connected from campus - Belmont can not have any onsite meetings or events this semester - Combined meeting going, virtual event, call into meeting - Swag from different vendors to have as a give a way - Sponsors names get out there to students - advocacy event for students - October is Interior Design Awareness month for Tennessee - Capital Day at the capital, where students can meet various governing people of Tennessee - Student professional day, 2021 - speed interviews, resume building, design avenue that you can go into. - Belmont event where students can talk to design professionals - Host at ORI or other sponsor spaces, getting our sponsors involved at the student level - Resume reviews all year round
VP of Advocacy - Claudia Lofton - Advocating for interior design is huge! - New role for Tennessee chapter 7 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes - Proclamations - Dr. Melanie Doss - new board of directors for NCDIQ, can she be a speaker? What can a registered interior designer do for the state? * See notes on other speaker listed in overall meeting notes. - Advocacy Symposium Review: - Speakers from legislative progressions - Bill Grant - speaker, business owner - Sasha Wagner - IIDA board president - Cheryl Derst - IIDA HQ President - How can we educate students, how can we educate legislators, how can we educate and impact our communities, this is how Claudia Lofton will take the roll - AIA was giving lots of push back - walking through NCDIQ exams with AIA to show that designers can stamp for drawings etc. - Capital Days - students can have a huge impact, host design competition and winner gets to present project at Capital Days. - Taxing our Industry - Advocacy calls throughout the US - Two events a year - how can we reach this out to the members
Membership - Tyler Claggett - Get more students involved with IIDA using Jerica Banks - Getting the students to come to events - Being present and show the importance of IIDA - Recruiting more members from professionals - Help the members understand what’s going on with the new events post-covid - Rest of the year FREE membership campaign - from HQ - 10 new members every month starting in 2021 - Get some analytical data on how many people we have and how we can get them to be members - Membership dinner in the spring, or pushed back to 2022? Location wise - Renew membership - pass out swag as well at that time - Partnership with student affairs and Nashville city center - Set up shop, and if they renew their membership they get credits to buy swag
VP of Sponsorship - Morgan Black and Kristen Vaughn - Keep goals straight forward - Unusual year - Extend the current sponsorship to next year to end of 2021 -
ACTION ITEM: Communicate to sponsors that they know their sponsorship is extended - Being up front in package to sponsors when they start and end - How can we fulfill the expectations and promises with our sponsors - They will receive a credit for something that they missed out on for 2020. As long as the communication is there to the sponsors, they will be understanding in this.n 8 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes - Who are our next sponsors? CONTRACTORS, GENERAL CONTRACTORS, DEALERSHIPS, OWNERS, ETC. - JLL - SOLOMAN - MUSIC CITY FLOORS - GENERAL CONTRACTORS - SUB CONTRACTORS - ETC. - ACTION ITEM: Has Tarkett Paid or NOT?
VP of Communications - Morgan Kaelin & Chris Conrad - Goal is to increase the numbers across the board to tie in the different city centers -
ACTION ITEM: Everyone on the board should be following the IIDA pages and promoting and commenting. Participation is key! - 2018 - 385 followers and to date 1300 followers - Double the following by next year - Turn on notifications - Communications need help with content, when you are posting a event, give them the content, Morgan and Chris will post it - Morgan Kaelin make the flyer but you have to provide the content - Brand support - Email list: switch from Emma to square space
Industry Relations: Patrick, Whitney, Chaz and Chad - Goals: getting swag bags out and helping membership doing that, they can assist - Send out surveys to members to see what they want from membership - Anyone who does the survey will be submitted into a raffle for a $200 raffle for amazon or something like that - approved by Trent Sullivan - Getting a sponsorship survey to see if they are happy with sponsorship - Getting with sponsorship, membership and finally leading to communications to get the survey out - Job search platform within the industry - how can we support our members in this? 9 September 26th, 2020 Meeting Notes
Overall Meeting Notes: - Potential Speakers - Katie Vance - Bill Grant - Dr Melanie Doss - Claudia Lofton ?
Meeting End 4:25 PM CST