Reports To: Chapter Board
Must have served as President- Elect in the previous year.
Willingness to serve as Past President in the subsequent year.
Job Description: The President shall serve as the official representative of the Chapter in its contacts with governmental, civic, business and professional organizations for the purpose of advancing the purposes of the Chapter, and shall set the agenda for, and preside at, the Chapter’s annual membership meeting. In general, the President shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Chapter Board of Directors from time to time. These duties shall include recommendation and supervision of appropriate teams to formulate programs and recommend policies relating to those issues. Upon completion of his/her term, the President shall immediately succeed to the office of Immediate Past President, as defined in the Chapter Bylaws.
Strategic Planning (chair)
Annual Meeting / Celebration (chair)
Represents Chapter in all official matters.
Acts as spokesperson on behalf of the Chapter to the public when appropriate
Monitors and communicates activities of the International organization.
Insures board members have established goals, budgets and concise plans for each event and/or task as reflected in the objectives of the Chapter.
Delegates to and motivates volunteers.
Approves absences and substitutes in advance for Board meetings.