December Meeting Notes

Call to meeting: 4:01 PM CST

Attendance: Trent Sullivan, Kristen Vaughn, Brandon Kirkland, Caryn Kirkland, Chris Conrad, Jenna McPherson, Hannah Lyons, Kristin Wormsly, Missy Sims, Morgan Black, Caycee Rose, Lew More, Leigh Barker, Claudia Lofton, Chaz Breece, Patrick Kelley,

Absent: Morgan Kaelin, Jerica Banks

Opening Remarks from President: Trent Sullivan Approval and comments on budget vote from last month. First motion to approve last meetings minutes: Lew More Second: Morgan Black All in Favor Discussion to raise rates for membership, other organizations have been raising rates, should IIDA be delicate in how we go to raise sponsorships. New positions open this coming June, there is a process to on-boarding, approval from the current board and approval from corporate.

President Elect: Kristen Vaughn No remarks.

Financial- Brandon Kirkland Checking Balance: no update Savings Balance: no update *technical issues Quickbooks are getting set up 2022 with all different VP’s budgets. Nothing pending that needs to be paid out.

Membership - Caryn Kirkland New Members - Nashville - no update Knoxville - no update. Memphis - no update . Chattanooga - targeting NCIDQ members Dropped Members - Letters going out to previous members, to see if we can get old members to renew.

Industry Relations - Chaz Breece, Patrick Kelley No Update

Advocacy - Claudia Lofton Advocacy lecture and seminar attended this past month, inspired by speakers and learning from other states legislature.

Communications - Morgan Kaelin & Chris Conrad State wide - Food drive photos are going on up the instagram and winners will be announced later this month. Inspire photos are posted.

East Tennessee City Center - Send in Knoxcon photos Health social details need to be sent over so we can post details online.

Nashville City Center - Need pins details Memphis - Send in V-Day event details Advocacy - Need information on bi-laws for the website. Student Affairs - Jerica Banks No update City Centers -

Memphis City Center - Leigh Barker February - Valentines Day Yoga Social March - Speed networking event “Virtual Working Parents Panel” - state wide event Nashville City Center - Jenna McPherson Townhall rescheduled - please vote on dates 2 December 6th, 2021 Meeting Minutes February 24th - Pin Mechanical event Inspire - questions and answers on instagram page

Chattanooga City Center - Hannah Lyons Food drive was a success! 650 lbs of food and $400 donates Please vote on doodle for dates that work for Chattanooga events Hot Yoga on Valentine’s Day Knoxville City Center - Kristen Wormsly & Missy Sims KnoxCon update - huge success, 160 people in attendance January - health social

Sponsorship - Morgan Black Budgets approved. This years package is wrapping up. Using last years sponsorship packages as a template, we can send out a ‘thank you’ news letter to thank current sponsors, and alert them that the new packages are coming soon.

Special Events - Caycee Rose and Lew More Threads photos are posted! Lots of shares on instagram. Video is live but not widely shared. Gala event date will be approx. in August. Looking to ramp up details on that. While having Caycee roll off and new VP of special events gets started.

-Professional Development - Hannah Lyons No update New Business - No Update

Meeting End: 4:52 PM CST