March 2022 Meeting Minutes Notes

IIDA Tennessee Chapter Meeting Minutes

March 7th 2022 Call to meeting: 4:02PM CST


Trent Sullivan, Kristen Vaughn , Claudia Lofton, Caycee Rose, Morgan Black, Lew Moore

Hannah Lyons, Leigh Barker, Kristen Wormsley, , Patrick Kelley, Chris Conrad, Jenna McPherson, Chaz Parrish


Morgan Kaelin, Chris Conrad, Jerica Banks, , Chad Breece, Brandon Kirkland, Missy Simms,

President: Trent Sullivan

Board Elections- We have 3 open voting board positions; VP Communications, VP Student Affairs, and President Elect. Also open will be the NCC director position. Morgan Black has been nominated for the President Elect position. We will vote on the slate at May1st Board Meeting.

President Elect: Kristen Vaughn

Kristen expressed that the CLC Virtual format lacked the punch of having a in person meeting. Did not have a lot of take always from the event.

Financial- Brandon Kirkland-no report

Membership - Caryn Kirkland New Members -

6 new professional members last month, and 3 members added.

The goal of adding 14 new professional members in Chattanooga is a very tall order.

Industry Relations - Chaz Parrish, Patrick Kelley,- No new update

Advocacy - Claudia Lofton NCIDQ-NCARB speakers panel schedule for next month.

Communications -Chris Conrad No update

Student Affairs - Jerica Banks- No update

City Centers -

Memphis City Center - Leigh Barker

Yoga Social - max attending

March - Speed mentoring day event - in person

April - Field Day - location TBD- We need a hold harmless for this event, The president requested support for this event from other regions. Leigh and Chaz asked for 10-12 volunteer help from the chapter. 8 people rep team 15 teams planed.

Knoxville City Center - Kristen Wormsley

February - speed mentoring event coming up - need volunteers

March - Women in Construction event

April-Not much planed at this moment.

May-Cinco CEU

October - KnoxCon

Nashville City Center - Jenna McPherson

Results form Inspire Survey-some thoughts about the IIDA chapter direction

July - J&J Nashville Inspire

Town Hall Event

Chattanooga City Center - Hannah Lyons

Hot Yoga Event was well attended

No plans for March

Sponsorship - Morgan Black

President to send signature and intro comments.

Should have the package complete this month. Need a high rez photo of Threads.

Special Events - Caycee Rose and Lew Moore

Gala plans September 22.22 are being developed and a venue has been selected, the theme has not been announced Design @the Disco

Professional Development - Hannah Lyons-No update

New Business -No Update

Meeting End: 5:08 PM CST