July 12th, 2021

Meeting Minutes

IIDA Tennessee Chapter Meeting Minutes

Call to meeting: 4:07 PM


Present: Trent Sullivan, Brandon Kirkland, Morgan Kaelin, Claudia Lofton, Kristen Vaughn,

Caycee Rose, Lew Moore, Whitney Kaul, Andee Rice, Hannah Lyons, Brandon Krikland, Leigh

Barker, Morgan Black, Kristen Wormsley, Chaz Parrish, Hannah Lyons, Jenna McPherson,

Absent: Wendi Donahue, Katie Vance, Patrick Kelley, Missy Sims, Chad Breece, Chris Conrad,

Jerica Banks, Jerica Banks, Tyler Claggett,

Approving Last Meeting Minutes:

Edit: May Notes reflected a Bowling event for East TN city center, which is only a Nashville City

center event.

Motion to approve:

Second: All in Favor No Opposed

New Business - Discussion - Trent

Kristen Vaughn welcomed to the president elect position. Thank you, from Trent and the board!

Financial- Brandon Kirkland

Checking Balance: $253,252.95

Savings Balance: $90,384.42

Any outstanding issues, please get with Brandon.

Special Events - Caycee and Lew

Great energy at the launch party! Teams are excited to join.

Making cuts to vendors to get back into budget

Sponsorship packages will go out this week

- this will be our main money earning ticket item

Great social media engagement

No silent auction for this event

Action Items:

Traveling teams will need to spend the night, can we get a hotel block?

City Centers -

MCC- Leigh

July - Thirst Thursday Event

August - Zero Landfill

October - Toast and Tours in Downtown Memphis of newly renovated building

ETCC - Missy & Kristen

July - CEU

August - Zero Landfill committees in talks

November - Knoxcon

Registration Packages for the vendors going out soon

55-57 booths will be available for vendor sponsorship

Sponsors will buy booths as needed

New price of $450 per booth

Student membership - payout still will be available

Caned Food Event to be in the talks

NCC- Jenna McPherson

June - Pins event was lots of fun

July - Speaker series - new links coming out

July 13th

July 20th

July 27th

August - Zero landfill

CCC- Hannah Lyons

June - NCIDQ event - went well, both in person and virtually in Knoxville

August - Zero landfill - lots of excitement

Professional Development-Hannah Lyons

Push for more professional members in Chattanooga

A day is planned to set appointments with firms to talk to them about IIDA

Student Affairs - Jerica Banks

No update

Update Advocacy-Claudia

Keeping Don Baltimore on payroll for legal lobbing

Tennessee IDEA - keeping it active or not, moving to not keeping the link on our website

Bi-laws need another run through


Tyler has resigned from the board. We are excepting nominations for his replacement this month and plan to vote on someone next month for his replacement.

Sponsorship- Morgan B. & Kristen

Banners are distributed to committees with operating hardware

New sponsor co-chair - scouting

Communications-Chris / Morgan

Scouting new chair member under communications

Zero Landfill link going out

Website is up-to-date with calendar events

Industry Relations-Patrick, Chaz, Whitney, Chad Brief Update

No update

Meeting Call To End: 5:09 PM