IIDA Tennessee Chapter Meeting Minutes
President Elect Trent Sullivan called the IIDA Tennessee Chapter Board of Directors virtual meeting to order at 4:03 pm on January 4th 2021.Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were:
Present:, Brandon Kirkland – V, Kristen Vaughn-V, Trent Sullivan – V, Kristin Wormsley, Miss Simms, Caycee Rose – V, Lew Moore-V, Patrick Kelly, Leigh Barker, Claudia Lofton-V, Jerica Banks-V, Chad Breece, Chaz Parrish, Whitney Kau , Morgan Kaelin – V, Hannah Lyons-V, Chris Conrad-V
Absent: Morgan Black-V, Rodney McCasland, Andee Rice, Tyler Claggett-V
Old business:
December meeting notes approved. Missy Motion to move, Kristin Second motion
Committee Reports:
President Elect-
February board planning session. Doodle will be sent out. We will meet in person, on-line if needed.
Financial- Brandon
Remaining budget for 20201 needs to be turned in and updated
KnoxCon helped us stay on budget and cover some regular expenses.
PayPal-We have received prepayment for Threads 2021 event
Current balance:
$259,951.55 checking
$ 90,365.23 money market
Special Events-Caycee and Lew
Looking into Canstruction competition. Registration is trademarked and there will be a $500 fee to set up. Carnival them for event to align with Threads. Looking at the month of May.
City Center-
MCC- published news letter, trying to schedule a social ASAP,
ETCC- News letter went out today, Barr class scheduled for this month, student mentor day planned. Possibly an open table lunch soon.
Discussed the price for nonmembers to attend events. Agreed to not charge different amounts this year.
NCC- No report
Chattanooga – No current events due to Covid19 outbreak
Student Affairs- Jerica Banks
Planning a speed mentoring event for 2021. Looking at late March.
Professional Development-Hannah
NCIDQ study materials/plan a study day event
Advocacy- Claudia Lofton
Working on the Bylaws with committee
No new legislative report from Don
Lecture series confirmed with a 45 min lunch call-Start in February/March
Membership- Tyler Claggnett
No updates for new members
Sponsorship- Kristen and Morgan
Continue to look for value for sponsors
working on membership entry into the Squarspace account
Industry Relations- Whitney Kaul / Patrick Kelley
Developing a survey for membership
Need a gift card for random drawings on the survey
New Business – VOTE NEEDED