December 7th, 2020

Meeting Notes

IIDA Tennessee Chapter Meeting Minutes

Dial In Call

Dial In Number: 8 (888) 619-1583

Toll Number: 1 (719-457-1414

Guest Passcode: 455982

Moderator Code: 4559820

Call to meeting: 4:02 PM


Trent Sullivan, Brandon Kirkland, Caycee Rose, Leigh Barker, Kristen Wormsley, Missy Sims,

Hannah Lyons, Claudia Lofton, Tyler Claggett, Morgan Black, Chris Conrad, Chaz Parrish,

Whitney Kaul, Chad Breece, Morgan Kaelin, Andee Rice

Absent - Lew Moore, Rodney McCasland, Jerica Banks, Patrick Kelley, Wendi Donahue,

Kristen Vaugh

Approving Last Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve: Tyler Claggett Second: Morgan Black

No Opposed

Approval of November Meeting Minutes Motion to approve: Tyler Claggett Second: Claudia Lofton

No Opposed

AGENDA: Ongoing Business:

President Elect- Trent

Please update your membership, you can not be on the board without an active


GET ACTIVE-“Friends of IIDA” Stretch Gift (Link will go out for PayPal info)

Website- updated photos

January 14th budgets are due for 2021

Financial- Brandon

Report of bank accounts

Savings Account: $90,370.15

Checking Account: $ 268,027.75

Over the last 60 days, membership sales have come in

Any outstanding payments, deposits, reconciliation Special Events-Caycee, Lew

Special Events - Caycee and Lew

Changing the date of the Threads from October to September

It will still be on a Thursday night, now in September


A few venues, they are working on

City Center- Food Drive- Report results - Chaz reported

Waiting on Nashville numbers Knoxville 12,048 pts Chattanooga 8,036 pts Memphis 6,536 pts Golden can trophy is being developed -Developing content/photos for social media

MCC- Leigh-Ongoing events 2020 First News Letter went out

Project highlights on an Archamania project

Events - on hold other than virtual options

Speed mentoring events with U of M

Virtual NCDIQ Study session

ETCC - Missy and Kristen

Working on the nail down the Knoxcon dates for 2021

November 16th - is potential event day

Bar Mixer Event with a max of 10 people

(Nashville Inspire potentially in November too)

NCC- Rodney-Ongoing events 2020 No Report

CCC-Need to push for new memberships-Goal to be a CC 2021

Need 15-20 members to establish city center

Student Affairs-Jerica Update on University events, Student of the year, No Report

Professional Development-Hannah Lyons Welcome!

There are 5 designers in Chattanooga looking to get a study group together

Sending out an email for book recommendations for study material - NCDIQ Update


Director of Advocacy at IIDA HQ is no longer with us

Tracking and reviewing the by-laws

Lecture series update:

Push it up to January/February (first week of Feb.)

Speaker series- Melanie Doss, Tania Lemon, Kate Vance Brief Update

Speakers - One a week

Membership-Tyler Brief Update

Need updated list from Corporate on members - October was last member update list

Industry Members will now be known as “Subscribers”

List is being updated for accuracy

Sponsorship- Morgan/Kristen Brief Update

Another letter to go out in regards to sponsors

Sponsors need to be updated

Communications-Chris /Morgan

Brief Update Email list update-move away from Emma. Report on progress

Waiting on a whole list of members, Needing more content

“Thank you” for the food drive post to go out soon

Industry Relations-Patrick, Chaz, Whitney, Chad Brief Update

Survey monkey to membership to see what we can do for function better in 2021

A lot of big firms are still not back in the office until Q1 of next year

Google doc - to share (copy Trent), and have a prize for answering the survey i.e. gift

card for amazon etc.

Get a time line/dead line

New Business – 2021 Budgets due to Corporate January 14 .